
TESOL - A good beginning makes a big difference.

단기테솔 2018. 7. 18. 16:05

" TESOL - A good beginning makes a big difference. "

1. 온라인테솔의 장점 

The advantages of studying online are:

a) flexible schedule and environment

b) self- discipline and responsibility

c) independent learner

2. 단기테솔에 수강하면서 좋았던 점

 a) You can choose your own learning environment and  time that works best for your needs.

 b) You will spend time on your own without someone physically helps you focused on deadlines,studying online will make you    become more self motivated and you will learn how to manage your time.

 c) You have to be able to start and to work on tasks on your own, without someone keeping you focused.

3. 테솔을 합격 할 수 있었던 나만의 공부방법

The best way to pass tesol is self dedication. If you want to get something, you have to work for it..work hard for it! Always know your priorities, and keep focused on your goals.

4. 테솔을 시작하는 회원님들에게 하고 싶은말 or 응원의 말

Today is a great day to learn something new and tesol is here to help you.Always remember that " a good beginning makes a big difference."